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All My Twitter VSS365 Posts

Sipho Moloi

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

So when I first started using Twitter, I came across the VSS365 hashtag. VSS365 means 'Very Short Stories 365 days.' Someone would post a prompt word and you had to write a short story featuring the word. I thought it would be a good way to showcase my writing skills. I've made posts for a few years, but haven't really made much new ones lately due to low engagement. However, here are all the posts I made on Twitter for your convenience! (You can also click on this link to view them on Twitter)

September 2019

1) Prompt: daybreak

We're running out of time. We have until #daybreak to complete the mission, or else the world's gonna end. If that happens, I won't get my pension. Without my pension, I can't go golfing, which means spending actual time with my wife.

2) Prompt: smoke

The world isn't what it used to be. Chaos is everywhere. Peace is no longer a reality, but now a fatality. There are forces out there committed to a game of #smoke and mirrors. They aim to erase centuries of progress. So tell me: how do we stop them?

3) Prompt: somersault

The enemy was closing in. Our platoon had almost been wiped out. Only a few of us were left. The intel was off—we walked into a trap. We tried to escape. Our vehicle was hit by an RPG and we #somersaulted into a ditch. That's when we got captured.

4) Prompt: euphoric

Today is just another day. Me waking up in my empty apartment. Me eating breakfast alone. Me talking to my imaginary friends—the only ones I have.

The best part of everyday is seeing the sunrise, distilling a #euphoric sense of joy in me.

5) Prompt: equinox

The #equinox has arrived. I hoped this day would never come, yet here we are. I must confront the enemy that has been haunting me all year: my thesis.

6) Prompt: consume

I fought in every war you could think of. They're all the same. The only thing that changes is how each one affects you. The trauma you endure #consumes you more and more, until there's nothing left of you.

7) Prompt: universe

I've been travelling all my life. Out of all the planets in the #universe, one stuck with me the most. It was the most beautiful place I've ever seen, but it was dying. Its inhabitants saw the problem, but did nothing and were wiped out. This planet was called Earth.

October 2019

1) Prompt: murder

For years I've had hatred for this man. The rage in me festered. When the opportunity finally arrived, I couldn't resist.

They'll call it #murder. I call it justice.

2) Prompt: skin

You want a confession? Okay. I killed him, very slowly. First, I paralyzed him. Then I peeled his #skin, layer by layer. He watched in horror as I dug into his flesh. He tasted like chicken. If only I had fava beans to add some flavour.

3) Prompt: monster

My job isn't black and white. I don't have the luxury of keeping my hands clean. To fight the worst threats in the world, you have to get dirty. And when you get dirty, you turn into a #monster.

4) Prompt: soul

I had no choice but to make a deal with the devil. He promised to give me what I needed if I gave him my #soul. I laughed at him because I never had one.

November 2019

1) Prompt: cuff

I lived my whole life #cuffed to the notion that good things happen to good people. I volunteered, studied hard in school, never swore or fought, and followed every rule in the book. None of that mattered. Depression killed me anyway.

2) Prompt: fuse

War is my specialty. You want a terrorist cell to fight, I'll make one. You want civilians to save, I'll create a genocide. All it takes to start a war is the lighting of a #fuse. Interested? My services don't come cheap.

3) Prompt: tread

The world is a complicated place. Everywhere you go, there is conflict. The only way to get on top is to #tread lightly. That is something we excel at, don't we?

4) Prompt: crush

They were on us again. We thought we could shake them, but these killers were relentless. Eventually, they caught up to us and #crushed us under a blanket bombardment.

5) Prompt: spoke

We're all alone out here. No backup. No air support. If we die out here, no one will know. Last time I #spoke to my wife, I promised I'd be safe. I hope I wasn't being premature.

6) Prompt: drill

A siren went off. I thought it was a #drill. When I looked out the window, I saw a mushroom cloud. Seemed like the president pressed the wrong button again. Idiot.

7) Prompt: wind

I fought many enemies throughout my career. Each one had a sense of predictability to them. But this "Shadow Company" is different. They employ tactics I've never seen before. We were on their trail, but now they're in the #wind.

8) Prompt: pound

Multiple hostiles were closing in. Our advance had ground to a halt. We needed to take the bridge to win the battle. The constant #pounding from enemy artillery made that difficult.

9) Prompt: jive

I've been protecting these streets for ten long years. Nothing goes on without me knowing about it. I take a hard-line approach on crime: if you cause trouble, you die. This is my hen house, and #jive turkeys aren't allowed in it.

10) Prompt: bust

The monsters were outside banging on the door. They wouldn't stop until they got to me. In no time they busted through the door and ripped me to shreds. If only I wasn't too much of a fatso to #bust a move.

11) Prompt: play

We're the most powerful army on the planet. Our resources are unlimited. Our reach is unyielding. Our enemies are unworthy. When it comes to fighting terrorists, we don't #play around. And the best part: we don't answer to any country.

12) Prompt: rave

My old man never made sense, but today he was more nonsensical. This time he was #raving about "killer aliens" and how they were "wiping out" humanity. As usual, I ignored everything he said. Then one of those aliens showed up and vaporized us.

13) Prompt: mint

We are on the cusp of a technological breakthrough. Not only will we save lives, but we will change humanity's destiny forever. With our newly #minted toilets, we will shape the future one flush at a time.

14) Prompt: loom

Winter is coming, but this will be the last one we'll ever have. The world is getting hotter. If temperatures exceed 1.5 degrees, it's over. Our end is #looming, yet all we seem to talk about about is how to profit off fossil fuels. You can't put out a wildfire with oil.

15) Prompt: lash

I've served in the army for 20 years. People say I should be proud, but I'm not. For 20 years I've ducked behind cover hoping not to get shot. For 20 years enemy mortars nearly made me deaf. These days, all I do is #lash out at the people I care about.

December 2019

1) Prompt: (I didn't write it down lol!)

We've been waiting a long time for this. Guryev is days away from being captured, and the Grey Wolves taskforce is collapsing. Now is the time to launch a strike on that Canadian base. The death count will be immense, and America will take the blame.

2) Prompt: slip

I want you to understand something here: this job is life and death. You #slip up, and we'll both end up in a box. No mistakes, no exceptions. Got it? Now let's get you to your wedding.

3) Prompt: omen

I had a dream last night. I was lying in bed, paralyzed. Then the door swung open and my stalker came in. She wasn't human, but a zombie in police uniform. She looked at me with hunger and slowly approached me, ready to eat her next meal. This dream was a bad #omen.

4) Prompt: crystal

People are willing to do anything for money, even kill for it. Last week, over 12 million dollars worth of #crystal gems were stolen from an auction. The thieves were mistaken in believing they made it big. You wanna know why? They turned on each other.

5) Prompt: guru

Captain Morgess isn't just a good soldier, he's a damn #guru. He has seen it all. Every type of firefight you could think of he survived it. His experience bestows a sense of wisdom to us new recruits. He's the one you want covering your six.

6) Prompt: refrain

These last few days have been chaotic. Those aliens have been killing everybody indiscriminately. You can't go anywhere without seeing their scary ships flying around. The only way to survive is to #refrain from losing your mind.

7) Prompt: sway

The enemy we're fighting have no emotion. They can't be #swayed or bargained with. Their apathy is one of their greatest strengths. The only way to defeat them is to beat them at their own game. Now does anyone around here know how to play hockey?

8) Prompt: mirage

My life is a #mirage. Every time I think I have everything under control, I realize that control is an illusion. I fail in classes I thought I aced. I burn dishes I thought I cooked well. I stutter in conversations I thought I was comfortable in. I'm a worthless person.

9) Prompt: vow

I lost dozens of soldiers under my command recently. You never know how the death of a subordinate will affect you until it happens. My fallen brothers and sisters looked up to me, and I failed them. I #vow to avenge them by making their killers pay.

10) Prompt: lucid

My friend Petrenko Mayakovsky is a hard drinker. His love for vodka is astounding. He doesn't go anywhere without a bottle in his pocket. There's never a day that Russian drink doesn't touch his lips. But whenever I need him, he's a #lucid operator.

11) Prompt: wring

2 years ago, my wife was murdered. Sure the cops caught the killer, but he got off. I loved my wife, she was everything to me. If the law won't bring her justice, then I will. I'm going to #wring my hands around his neck and watch him die in my grasp.

12) Prompt: virtual

Playstation. Nintendo. Xbox. I've played them all. I consider myself a veteran gamer. I've raced in sport cars, shot down helicopters with a tank, hunted down monsters, and stopped evil aliens from wiping out the galaxy. Next up: #virtual reality.

13) Prompt: profound

Our planet is dying. Storms are getting worse. Droughts are becoming more frequent. Sea levels are rising. Temperatures are through the roof. More animals are becoming endangered. The effects of climate change are more #profound than ever. Yet we still do nothing.

14) Prompt: glow

Another Category 5 hurricane was heading our way. They've become a common occurrence lately. So the president came up with the "bright" idea to drop a nuke on it. Not only did it have no effect, the hurricane #glowed.

15) Prompt: pudding

The history of our species is filled with violence. All of the wars we had led to the deaths of millions of people. We fought over oil, minerals, religion, and so on. Now the next conflict is just around the corner: #pudding. How many lives will be lost to this?

16) Prompt: find

You came out of nowhere. Killed my brothers and sisters. Our superiors won't let us go after you, but that won't stop us. We will #find you and eliminate you. Our retribution will be swift. Ashes are all what will remain of Shadow Company.

17) Prompt: grace

My boss John Wilder is one of a kind. He's a marketing whiz and a great presenter. He's one of the best at reading people. He can talk down any person with #grace. He's also very optimistic and hopeful. John is someone you want by your side.

18) Prompt: harmony

My team is one of the best out there. We're a well-oiled machine. We never failed a mission. We always had each other's backs. We operate in perfect #harmony, and there's no better team I could ask for.

19) Prompt: circus

The Prime Minister is a damn joke. All he cares about is looking good for the cameras, not actually doing good. Our base was attacked, yet all he wants to do is sit on his hands and drink strawberry latte macchiatos. He's the clown to this damn #circus.

January 2020

1) Prompt: charlatan

That man Joey is a #charlatan. He always brags about serving in the military. The only thing he ever served was a bowl of cereal to a dog. Joey's a coward. He wouldn't last ten seconds on a real battlefield. One day everyone will see through his lies.

2) Prompt: obfuscate

We're masters of deception. We determine people's perception of reality. We choose the West's enemies by spreading one lie. Our smoke and mirrors strategy will easily #obfuscate public opinion.

3) Prompt: latent

I always wanted to be a superhero. All my friends became one. I wish I could save people from a burning building without breaking a sweat. Or even stop a derailing train with my bare hands. Maybe I have #latent abilities. I sure hope so.

4) Prompt: obviate

Life is difficult. If you want to go anywhere, you have to fight for it. Every accomplishment you want to achieve will be an uphill battle. Every failure you face will be devastating. The only way to #obviate your utter destruction is to always believe in yourself.

5) Prompt: kinetic

Macoy is one of the best people I know. He has this #kinetic energy that's almost contagious. He's one of those rare people who feels alive when on the battlefield. I always have his back and he has mine.

6) Prompt: inquisitive

We hit the warehouse at midnight. Intel said the HVT was there, and for once they were right. He wasn't expecting us and his security detail was light. We took them out in case they got too #inquisitive. The HVT died without seeing his attackers. Another easy mission.

7) Prompt: lively

Today was supposed to be just another day. We were training locals until a drone strike hit the heart of the city. Apparently, a world leader ordered the assassination of some foreign general. Now things in the area are about to get #lively.

8) Prompt: languor

Today is the day I've dreaded my whole life: the end of the world. Every country is either burning or being eaten up by super storms. Ours is the last one.

Our leaders failed us. Our parents failed us. We failed us. All we can do now is wait in #languor for our deaths.

9) Prompt: flourishes

We've been in this country for 30 years. Our leaders said we've made it better, but more people have died ever since we got here. They said we were here to bring democracy, but the brutal still run the show. I hope one day this country #flourishes. It deserves to.

10) Prompt: yearn

My life used to be so much better. I had many dreams and aspirations. I had a lot of friends. I had a purpose. These days I have none of that. All I have are disillusions. I'm a husk of my former self #yearning for the good old days.

11) Prompt: muddle

I keep getting haunted by the last call. This fire was the worst we've seen yet. The whole building was lit up brighter than a candle. We saved some people, but there were many more we couldn't save. Their #muddled voices echoed out as they were burned alive.

12) Prompt: articulate

This debate is going to be crucial. If we're going to win the hearts and minds of people, we need to #articulate our position. The best way of doing that is by doing these three things: lie, deceive, and distort public perception.

13) Prompt: obstinate

"Did he accept my proposal?"

"No sir. He still refuses to sell the place."

"That old man is too #obstinate for his own good. He'll need some proper persuading."

"Should I call the boys?"

"No. Pass me the scalpel, I need to do some surgery."

14) Prompt: rigmarole

"Here's the plan: Alpha team will breach the front door, while Bravo will sneak in through the back."

"Hold on: are there any non-combatants in the building?"


"Any third parties?"


"Then this op will be a #rigmarole."

15) Prompt: cacophony

Back in the thick of it. Just another stealth-mission-turned-into-loud-shootout. The #cacophony of gunfire and explosions was a terrifying yet welcome sound that reminded me of old times. I'll never get sick of being in special forces.

16) Prompt: happen

None of this was supposed to #happen. It was supposed to be a simple job, in and out. Nobody was supposed to be in that house. Yet, two people are dead and we only have $200 of valuables. It wasn't worth it.

17) Prompt: range

"Sir, the drone is within #range. Ready to fire on your order."

"Thank you Lieutenant. How's the activity down there?"

"Insurgents have the town on lock. They have tanks patrolling the streets."

"Any civilians?"

"Outside the hot zone."

"Then let's make it rain."

18) Prompt: amaze

"Hello old chap. How have you been?"

"Go to hell Tony!"

"Oh come on Alex! It #amazes me that after ten years we're still #adversaries. We need to fix that."


"Well I find bullets to be the best prescription for illnesses such as this."

19) Prompt: could

"What happened to my house Jon?"

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Explain damn it!"

"I invited some friends over. They promised to be tidy!"

"You invited your cocaine-junky-head friends, didn't you?"


"#Could you do me favor? Stay still while I grab my belt."

20) Prompt: tremendous

I've put in a lot of work to get to this point. I did the groundwork, I made the connections, and I got my hands dirty. Every body buried ensured my future success. My empire has #tremendous reach, and I will use it against anyone who threatens it.

February 2020

1) Prompt: script

"Everyone is going to be tuning into the president's speech tonight."

"Let's hope he sticks to the #script this time."

"Who are we kidding? He'll go off on a rant about fake news and witch hunts. Then he'll bolster his ego."

"Why do we even bother with a writer?"

2) Prompt: frantic

"Sergeant, give me a sitrep."

"We secured the building and we have 3 HVTs in custody."

"Good. Prep them for extract."

"But sir, the lookouts have spotted a large hostile force coming our way."

"Oh great. Now the situation has become #frantic."

3) Prompt: ritual

Makayla is a very strange person. In public, she's all smiles and positivity. In private, she's neurotic. Her latest obsession is Sam, a fellow co-worker. She's in love, but those feelings are one-way. That doesn't stop her from stalking him, a favorite #ritual of her's.

4) Prompt: infiltrate

"Sir, the team is ready to #infiltrate the compound."

"Good. Give them the order."

"Hold up, sir. We just received word that civilians are on-site."

"The target is inside now. We can't pull out!"

"The president isn't concerned with civilian casualties. Send them in."

5) Prompt: empire

"Before I determine sentencing, the defendant has a chance to speak."

"I've spent years building an #empire. Sure, I killed a few people, broke some bones, and started some fires. But you can't #judge me because everyone would be worse off without me."

6) Prompt: soldier

My life has been filled with misery. I was a nobody in school. I joined the army to be a good #soldier, but after 12 years of service, I still feel empty. I no longer have the will to live. I'm just damaged goods that need to be discarded.

7) Promppt: solution

"Sir, we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"One of our guys snitched and told the cops about our operation."

"How much did he tell them?"

"Everything, sir."

"Then I have a #solution: give the Captain a call, he owes me."

8) Prompt: deathly

The world has gone mad. People have lost any sense they had left. Terrorists and bandits are being called heroes. Corrupt politicians and special interests are seen as saviors. Sanity has descended into #deathly silence.

9) Prompt: destination

"Sir, we have arrived at your #destination."

"Thank you."

"Before you go, I have a message for you."


"My wife died from cancer 3 months ago. She could've survived if you didn't block the single-payer bill. To repay you, I've got a bullet with your name on it."

March 2020

1) Prompt: seventeen

"Base, this is Bravo 1, when are those reinforcements coming?!" "They're #seventeen mikes out." "We don't have that time! We're running low on ammo and the enemy has us surrounded!" "We're doing the best we can here. Just hang in there. Base, out." "We're so dead."

2) Prompt: (I didn't write this one either lol!)

"Hey bro, did you try out the new maps in Modern Warfare?"

"Nope. The new patch is still downloading."

"What? It's been 3 hours, man. How slow is your internet?"

"It's high speed! But this update is almost 30 gigs though!"

"Well okay. Have fun."

3) Prompt: unfathomable

We weren't prepared for this. Years of research couldn't prepare us for this: the worst pandemic in history. This disease is unlike anything we've ever seen. There will be an outbreak, no question. The death count will be #unfathomable.

4) Prompt: word

Hey David, have you got any #word from Francine?"

"Nope. I haven't #spoken to her for days."


"What's up, man?"

"She got tested positive for Corona and was forced into quarantine last week. I haven't heard from her since."

"Wait, I met with her last week."

5) Prompt: Armada

We took heavy losses today. The skirmish didn't happen out there, it happened here at Base #Armada. The enemy went on our turf. To seek revenge wouldn't be enough. We need to rain down hell on Shadow Company.

6) Prompt: organise

"Alright guys, I just #organised my room and I'm ready to play some zombies."

"Sorry Tim, no can do."

"What? Why?!"

"Xbox live is down, bro. Like for 5 hours now."

"Wow! Then why don't you guys come over? We'll do splitscreen."

"Bro, corona."

"Oh, right."

April 2020

1) Prompt: kick

"Hey Michael, how's your dad?"

"Still #kicking. He'll be out the hospital in two weeks."

"That's good, man."

"So what are we doing today? Patrol duty?"

"Nope. We're rolling into the heat today."

"In the middle of the pandemic?"

"The bad guys don't have sick days."

2) Prompt: rock

"If we win this next round, we're going to the semi-finals."

"Bro, we got this! We're the best players in Rocket League!"

"Ready to #rock and roll?"

"Hell yeah!"

*Proceeds to lose match*

"Bro, you suck."

3) Prompt: club

Greg and I went to the #club like we always did on Friday, but something was off this time: it was empty. The music wasn't blasting and there was no one around to dance to it. We did find one thing though: half-rotten corpses.

4) Prompt: telegraph

"Haha! I beat you again!"

"How?! I was stealthy this time!"

"You kept #telegraphing your moves, man."

"You cheated! You looked at my screen like you always do in splitscreen!"

"Nuh-uh! You just suck."

"Quiet! I still beat you at Black Ops."

"You wanna bet?"


May 2020

1) Prompt: chimera

Europe has fallen. A hostile alien force known as the #Chimera have conquered the continent. England is the last stand against these invaders. If England falls, the Chimera will set their sights West.

"Boy! Get off that damn video game and do your chores!"

2) Prompt: nine

"Mr. Wallace, this is your last chance. Otherwise, we will come in forcefully."

"You won't stop me from getting a Big Mac! I won't be forced into quarantine!"

"You got #nine seconds. Nine, eight, seven—"

"Up yours! Open up the economy now!"

"Three, two, one. Breach!"

3) Prompt: ubuntu

The world has been ripped apart by this crisis. Thousands of dead are being buried everyday. Our tribalism to self-interest and our cannibalism of ignorance has led to this. This crisis is forcing us to rediscover our #ubuntu.

4) Prompt: transfer

"Everything checks out. The #transfer went through."

"Good. Now give me back my daughter."

"Actually, we can't."

"Why not?!"

"Because she's dead. You betrayed us by agreeing to be an FBI witness. Now witness me shoot you."

5) Prompt: drop

"Alright Dave, we're gonna have to jump."

"Are you crazy?! You see how high that #drop is?"

"We have no choice. The bad guys are on our tail!"

"No they're not. The author hasn't written that in yet. And hopefully he'll write in a parachute or jet pack we could use!"

6) Prompt: farm

"Look, I need a loan. My #farm is losing money. It's the only thing keeping my family fed."

"You already have outstanding loans with us."

"I know, but I'm struggling here! I need help, man!"

"Ok. We'll loan you another 20 thousand. But your farm will be collateral."

July 2020

1) Prompt: potvalor

My friend Petrenko is the craziest person I've ever known. He drinks vodka like it's divine water. He's the only guy I know that gets a #potvalor from it. I suppose that's what makes him a good leader and friend.

2) Prompt: aurora

The pandemic is over. Scientists developed a cure and the vaccine is being given to everyone around the world.

Global warming is over. Humanity came together to stop the effects of climate change.

To celebrate, an #aurora dances in the sky.

3) Prompt: anathema

My former best friend, Emily, is a vile woman. Our ten year friendship was great until she admitted she had deeper feelings for me. I let her down easy to preserve our friendship. Now she has an #anathema towards me. Her mission is to make my life a living hell.

4) Prompt: hero

"End of the line, Abby. You're done!"

"How many people did you kill to get to me? 100? 200?"

"You killed my father and my best friend. I'll make sure their deaths are not in vain."

"So you're the #hero of this story, Ellie?"

"No, but I'll be the one to serve justice."

August 2020

1) Prompt: math

"I can't pay the rent or my health insurance. I don't have money for food. Do something, Mister President!"

"Ok. We'll bail out Wall Street again immediately."

"What? The working class need a bailout. I need a bailout!"

"Here's the #math: only my donors get bailouts."

2) Prompt: paper

Shadow Company is ripping through my men like #paper. At the same time, Sekret Poryadok is hunting me like a dog. Not to mention the Mayakovsky Network actively pursuing my arrest. Soon I'll be in jail or dead. So I must take drastic action.

3) Prompt: field

"Lieutenant, how are you feeling?"

"Good, sir. Ready to go back on the #field."

"You sustained multiple injuries on the last mission, including a concussion. You also lost your whole squad, which must've been traumatizing. Yet, you tell me you're ready for the field?"

4) Prompt: vector

"I've risen above all that!"

"No you haven't and you never will. This problem can't be simply #vectored away."

"I can still fight!"

"You're expired goods, Lieutenant. Your country no longer has a use for you. I'm discharging you from the army."

5) Prompt: group

"Ok class, next question: Group A has 30 people and Group B has 15 people. If 50% of Group A join Group C, and 5 people from Group B join Group A, how many people are in #Group C?"

"These stupid math questions are a waste of my damn time!"

"Ok. You're getting an F."

6) Prompt: zero

"Our review and promotion package costs $400."

"What? I can't afford that!"

"What's your budget?"


"So that's why your book cover is trash. Here's my advice: get rich or go back to writing fan fiction, you peasant!"

7) Prompt: one

"How is the self-publishing going, my son?"

"Not good."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Just keep at it and you'll be successful like me someday."


"How many copies did you sell so far?"

"Just #one."

"You're a disgrace to this family's name!"

October 2020

1) Prompt: debut

Just a few hours from now, my new book will make its #debut. I've worked countless days, done hundreds of revisions, and spent all the money on the marketing. This is gonna be the one to make me a bestselling author. I just know it.

2) Prompt: back

"Captain, I'm low on ammo!"

"Just hold out! Our evac will be here soon."

"Better be, sir. We're getting swarmed!"

"Stay focused! Watch my #back and I'll watch yours."

"Copy that."

3) Prompt: frozen

"Yo, go buy us some pizza, man."

"We already have pizza."

"That's #frozen, man. I need a cooked one."

"Then get up and go cook it."

"I don't cook! Plus, that pizza is plant-based and only hippie suckas eat that nonsense. I'm a real man who eats real food."


December 2020

1) Prompt: dangerous

Makarov Guryev is a very #dangerous man. He ran a failed coup in Ukraine. He may no longer be president and now on the run, but all that did was release him from his chains. He's off the grid and his "reapers" attack our troops with impunity.

2) Prompt: reborn

I died last night. Our squad was running a night raid in enemy territory, though it didn't take long until we were in a firefight. I was shot and killed within five minutes. Unlike others, I don't go to the afterlife. Instead, I get #reborn and relive that night again.

3) Prompt: silent

I have seen people die over and over these last 16 years. I thought upon enlisting I would be able to save everyone around me. Instead, the opposite happened. My suffering is #silent because it's the only way I can continue to serve.

January 2021

1) Prompt: vulture

This pandemic has been hard on all of us. We lost loved ones and our livelihoods. But despite millions of us suffering, corpos feed on our misery like #vultures. For them, this is not a time of despair, but an opportunity to control our lives for profit.

March 2021

1) Prompt: fog

For years, I've been searching for the truth. I collected every clue and followed every lead. Once I went through the #fog, I realized my whole life has been a lie.

2) Prompt: xyloid

I spent the last few decades preparing for this moment. My knowledge skyrocketed. My strength quadrupled. My army reborn. You grew careless. You became complacent. You embraced delusion. Your #xyloid defenses won't protect you from me.

June 2021

1) Prompt: lazy

Running a shadow organization is tough business. When manipulating the international community into chasing false leads, you can't afford to be #lazy.

2) Prompt: envy

Shadow Company lives in a complex world. Every move is preplanned five steps in advance. They're a masterclass in military deception. I #envy their precision, but I'm proud to be a cog in their machine.

3) Prompt: rose

The United States thinks our country belongs to them. They kill our people and take our resources, while our government does nothing but smell #roses. It will be up to us to deliver the deathblow that will liberate our country.

4) Prompt: chain

The recent #chain of events in the Middle East has gotten people on edge. As expected, faith in the "hunt for Shadow Company" has drastically decreased. Soon, Armored Piercing will be reprioritized and our real work can begin.

July 2021

1) Prompt: prompt

They said aliens didn't exist. Any evidence of UFOs was considered a "conspiracy theory."

When aliens invaded our planet, they were #prompted to admit the truth. It was too late then.

2) Prompt: stories

I've been writing #stories for all my life. I've written action/adventures where the hero would defy unbeatable odds. I've written thrillers that kept readers on the edge of their seats. I've written fantasy with in-depth world building. And I'm just getting started.

3) Prompt: unravel

Everyone keeps saying Shadow Company is fully defeated. We got no new leads since 2020. Yet, I'm convinced they're still a threat. After that Saviours debacle, more of this mystery has been #unraveled.

August 2021

1) Prompt: ignite

Five years ago, a group of wannabe heroes #ignited my plans to make the West collapse on itself. Little do they know, I always have a backup plan.

2) Prompt: gloom

My life has taken a turn for the worst. I've wasted years on this planet striving for greatness, but now I have weeks left to live. The only thing I have to show for it is #gloom.

Oct 2021

1) Prompt: rivulet

I warned people aliens were coming. No one believed me. Now we have three days until they take over the planet. Our #rivulets of defense stand no chance against their massive army. We are doomed.

2) Prompt: spook

My father said a tyrannical apocalypse was coming. When the government started passing overreaching laws to "protect" us, he recognized the signs immediately. People ridiculed him and called him a #spook. Soon, freedom turned into obligation and rights into privileges.

November 2021

1) Prompt: spouse

I've been alone my whole life. It's not a choice I made, but circumstances were thrusted onto me. I'm always on the run from something; the government, gangs, or foreign agents. I'll never have a chance at a normal life with a #spouse who loves me.

2) Prompt: text

I've been looking for a sacred treasure no one knows exists. According to an ancient #text, this treasure is buried in an undiscovered village. Its value is immeasurable. I've been called a madman for trying to find it. You want to know what it is? Honest journalism.

December 2021

1) Prompts: pause, string

We've been hunting Shadow Company for 5 years. The brass wanted to cut our funding, but new evidence we uncovered put a #pause on that. Still, it feels like we're being pulled along on a #string. Whenever we get a new lead, a new curveball is thrown at us.

2) Prompt: barrage

Our intel was way off. There was supposed to be a low enemy presence in that canyon. As soon as we showed up, we came under heavy enemy fire. Soon after, they dropped a #barrage on us. I ordered a full retreat, but I was the only survivor.

April 2022

1) Prompt: division

#Division is a tactic the elites use to maintain their power. If the people were ever united, their lies would shatter and their power would dissolve. As long as the peasants fight amongst themselves, the oligarchy can get away with anything.

June 2022

1) Prompt: sentence

Our world is surely screwed up. Whenever a whistleblower exposes war crimes, they're given a life #sentence. But when a soldier commits those same war crimes, they're given a promotion. And yet, innocent civilians are deemed "uncivilized."

2) Prompt: move

The enemy is on the #move. They'll be here in 5 hours. Ammo is scarce. Defenses are down to 50%. We can only hold out for 40 minutes tops. They have all flanks locked down, so running isn't an option. Unless a miracle happens, these next 5 hours will be our last.

3) Prompt: velocity

I've been living my life on maximum #velocity. I surpassed every goal I've set for myself. I climbed over every adversity. I conquered every challenge. But I'm just getting started.

4) Prompt: flip

The defeat of Shadow Company in 2016 was supposed to put the world back in order. Instead, things just got worse. Stability in the Middle East has #flipped upside down. Terrorism has grown exponentially, all according to Shadow Company's plans.

5) Prompt: hail

Our friend Nate had invited us to his private island in the Pacific Ocean. It was a fine vacation, but things went awry pretty quick. These monsters started hunting us. A lot of people died already. Nate #hailed for a rescue, but will we survive until then?

6) Prompt: rabble

The apocalypse had arrived. My colleague and I ran to the train station, in hopes of a quick escape from the exterminators. But whenever a train arrived, a #rabble of people would rush in, trampling anyone in their way. Many people died underneath the weight of the crowd.

July 2022

1) Prompt: acid

The global climate continues to worsen day by day. #Acid rain has become too commonplace. Fresh water is so scarce, you'd be lucky to find some. Any chance to turn this around has long gone.

2) Prompt: carpet

My city was hit with another airstrike. This time a few hundred dead and over a thousand injured. The imperialist empire will see our country destroyed. Yet, when we refuse to roll out the red #carpet for them, we're the ones labelled terrorists.

3) Prompt: pot

Shadow Company is a tricky enemy to fight. Anytime we make headway, they slip out surprises. Now they're stirring the #pot in the Middle East, a place that's seen too much conflict. We're going to put an end to them one day, right?

4) Prompt: cyclone

Ever been in the middle of a #cyclone? It's a real rush. Not an experience I'd recommend to those who can't handle a gush of wind.

August 2022

1) Prompt: munch

Tonight has been an awful night. The love of my life cheated on me with a close friend. Then these creatures started #munching on my other friends. The Coast Guard won't arrive until morning. I fear we'll be dead before then.

2) Prompt: snatch

"Yo, have you got a PS5 yet?"

"Nope. Every time restocks are available, they get quickly #snatched up."

"Man, that sucks. You're really missing out on-"

"Yeah whatever, Mr. Teraflops. Mr. Haptic Feedback. Mr. SSD."

"Somebody's jealous."

3) Prompt: aesthetics

"Bro, you beat the game yet?"


"What's taking so long?"

"I don't have 60 hours everyday to game like you."

"Uh, there's 24 hours in a day."


"The #aesthetics of this game is crazy. It's almost like real life."

"Ha! If life was 720P like your TV."

September 2022

1) Prompt: tear

It was supposed to be a fun vacation with friends. My boy Nate owns this private island in the North Pacific. Slick, right? That was until these demons from a horror show starting #tearing us apart.

2) Prompt: sad

I've been feeling pretty #sad lately. All my hopes and dreams were dashed. All my accomplishments amounted to nothing. None of my obstacles have been overcome. I don't think I can keep going any longer.

3) Prompt: grift

This focus on "Middle Eastern terrorism" is nothing more than a #grift. Shadow Company is the real threat, but the brainlets in our governments think they're a thing of the past. There's a reason why Shadow Company is called "Shadow Company."

4) Prompt: whelve

The propaganda campaign in the Middle East is working like a charm. As the international community focuses on the flavour of the month, our true plans will be #whelved into obscurity. That is, as long as Sipho Morgess is taken out of the picture.

5) Prompt: quibble

"Hey, you heard about the price increase on the PS5?"

"Yep. It's not a big deal."

"Seriously?! The console is 2 years old and still hard to get! Why increase the price?!"

"Come on. Don't #quibble about a little price bump."

"I'm getting an Xbox Series X."


6) Prompts: lummox, dilly

I once had this friend, Arthur. He was a complete #lummox. His IQ was below room temperature. He always said "get lost in your backyard" as an insult to those he argued with. One day, he got lost and ate #oleander. This #dilly of stupidity led to a quick death.

October 2022

1) Prompt: letter

When my dad died a few years ago, I didn't believe it at first. He had many close calls in his firefighting days, but he always made it. The man I've looked up to is dead. I wrote a #letter to him for his funeral. It wasn't fancy, but I think he would've liked it.

2) Prompt: verse

This girl I liked invited me to a karaoke party. Her favourite song came on and we sang a #verse together. We were bonding, right? When the party ended, she forgot about me and went into Chad's car. So, it's true: simps run the marathon and bad boys take home the prize.

3) Prompt: ink

I've been writing all day, but the #ink is getting dry. I have so many ideas for my next book, but I struggle with how to write them properly. Sometimes, writing can be very hard.

4) Prompt: shiver

Video games aren't interesting anymore. Not because of "growing up," but because the quality of games have sunk into the sewers. Microtransactions are the priority, while fun is last on the list. And most games are a buggy mess. The future of gaming makes me #shiver.

5) Prompt: lullaby

I miss being a kid. My mom would sing me a #lullaby before I go to sleep and my dad would play catch with me every weekend. Now I work a dead end job and have to worry about bills. I feel like I should be somewhere better, but for whatever reason my life sucks.

6) Prompt: October

Halloween is every #October. I don't celebrate the holiday, not since Grade 5. People act like they only wear masks once a year, but they do it everyday. They pretend to be someone they're not in order to make friends and make money. I rather be true to myself.

December 2022

1) Prompt: bank

"Hey, man, you started doing your Christmas shopping yet?"

"Nah. I ain't got no money for that."

"What? You broke?"

"Yep. No money in the #bank."

"No worries, bro. I'll get you some coupons haha!"

"Oh shut up!"

2) Prompts: restless, swan

I'm close to finishing my masterpiece. I've spent countless #restless nights perfecting my work of art. It will be the #swan song of my career and cement me with the greatest of all time.

"Hey, sleepyhead! Stop daydreaming and get back to flipping those Big Macs!"

3) Prompts: Kraken, ego, lupine, frog

Doctor #Kraken has an inflated #ego. He may have the highest number of successful surgeries under his belt, but that doesn't give him the right to belittle everyone else. I hope that #lupine #frog will someday get caught in a crocodile's #maw.

January 2023

1) Prompt: knowledge

They say #knowledge is power. If that were true, then most people are powerless. The weak-minded are content in their ignorance. The strong-minded are having their powers stripped away from them. Only the elites hold any true power.

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